Sunday, 31 May 2015

Perfect in Excel SUMIF Function

SUMIF Function

Today I am going to tell you about Microsoft Excel's function SUMIF  you can use this function whenever you have to sum any range in excel on basis of any given condition or certain criteria. Like if you have to sum of a range where many different values. But you want sum of only those cells where your condition met than you can use this formula.

For example this is a budget sheet and you want some of those months in which you have spent more than 10 thousand Rupees. Or any conditions.

In this formula we have to give three parameters.

=SUMIF (range,criteria, [sum_range])

How to enter formula.
Start with equals to sign. Then start typing sumif from your keyboard. Then open bracket. Or if you're using Microsoft Excel 2007 or later versions you can press tab when your formula gets highlighted in formula list. It will save your time. And also you can get rid of making typing errors. Then go one by one as per below instructions.

Range is the area which you have to select for which you want to sum it should contain sum values plus criteria for sum.

Criteria you can enter criteria direct by typing or you can give a cell reference.

Sum_range is the range of those cells or area for which you want to sum. It should not contain any additional cells which you don't want to get calculate in your formula result. if you don't define this parameter. Formula will use range parameter.

This formula is very useful function. I use it in my daily life. As excel is my mostly used software.

You can write in comments how you like this blog. You can also post your questions if you require any kind of help required in any excel formula or anything related to excel. Like pivot tables, chart, creating reports etc.

1 comment:

  1. Excel is a software program from Microsoft basic excel for beginners that is a part of Microsoft Office. Excel calculations is compiled for making and altering spreadsheets that are spared with a .xls expansion. It's general uses in corporate cell-based figuring, turn tables, and different diagramming devices. With an Excel spreadsheet, you could make a month to month spending plan, track costs of doing business, or sort and compose a lot of information calculations in spreadsheets of Excels.
